Greetings from sunny Southern Alabama. I was born and raised in Northern Michigan and at the age of 31 moved to Southern Alabama. My family and I have been here for 5 years now. The winters are great, but the summers are WAY too hot! If I could combine the Michigan winters and the Alabama summers, I think I could please a lot of people!! Both my family and my husband's are in Michigan, and we plan to move back home sometime within the next two years.
I am married (13 years) to a wonderful man and have two great kids - Katie, age 11 and Joshua, age 9. We have home schooled from kindergarten, and they will be in grades 7 and 5 next year. I stopped working the day my daughter was born and had been out of the official workforce until going to work for Scribes Online in April of 2001. I went through Andrews School in about 7 months and starting working for Scribes about a week before I finished school. It has been a juggling act some days with home schooling, but it has been worth it. I was fortunate to find this profession, and am very happy with the way things have worked out.
I graduated with an ASB in 1997 and I have been an MT since 07/1997. I just kind of fell into the job you could say. At first I was not sure if I had what it took to be an MT but now I couldn't be happier. I worked for a large hospital in the area (Geisinger Medical Center) and then I worked for a physician's clinic and a smaller hospital in the area. I live in Catawissa, PA. I have been married since 09/25/1999 and I have a beautiful 1-year-old daughter, Makenna (we just celebrated her birthday one month ago). We have one dog, Barkley, and he is the loudest little dog I have ever heard. Being able to work from home is such a blessing. I get to watch my daughter grow up and that is what I appreciate most about being an MT who can work from home.
Hello, all! My name is Toshi Kempkes, and I have been an MT since December 2001 after graduating from the Andrews School. My husband, Tim, is in the Army, and we are currently stationed at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. I discovered transcription when I was looking for a job as a newly-relocated military wife (Tim had left the Army before we met, then a few years after we married returned to the job he loved). Being an MT seemed a perfect fit with my personality and with the frequent moves I knew would be in my future. Tim and I met skiing when we both lived in Colorado, although I am from California and Tim is from Wisconsin. We have a wonder-mutt, Skadi (named after the Norse goddess of winter), who is my running partner, my sanity when Tim is away, and our only "child." I love being outside. Downhill skiing is my absolute favorite thing to do, but I don't get to do too much of it now that we live in eastern North Carolina. I have skied for 25+ winters and counting, and even my Subaru's license plates read SKIBRU. Summers are full of biking, hiking, trail running, camping, fishing, and hoping for snow to fall. I love to cook and bake, read, satisfy my sweet tooth, listen to rustling leaves, and spend time with my husband.

Amy and Jonathan |
Hi! I'm Amy! I live in Niagara Falls, NY, with my husband and three kids--David age 8, Jonathan age 4 (in the pic, ain't he a hoot?), and Emma who is 2-1/2. Before I became an MT, I was a stay-at-home mom and a college student. I still don't have a degree, but I do like taking classes! Before that, I worked in retail at a pet store, a linens-and-things-type store, as manager of a convenience store/gas station, and as a mystery shopper. As far as hobbies go, I dabble in a bit of everything!! Right now my passion is making handmade soaps and lotions from scratch. They're fabulous! I also crochet, sew, quilt, and cross-stitch when time allows. I give most of what I make away to friends. I would love to learn how to make candles. I would also love to learn how to play the piano, how to change the brakes on my car, and how to stretch the day beyond 24 hours LOL! I love working outside in my vegetable garden and I also love to cook big fabulous fancy meals that nobody will eat but me! I enjoy big family gatherings and taking long trips by car. I talk to strangers at the store, and most think I'm weird, but it's amazing how many people really do like to be noticed. At training in Sterling, I was "the shy one." Hehehe! My husband says that he thinks my main goal in life is to have everyone who meets me say, "Damn, woman, is there anything you DON'T do?"
I am originally from England and moved here when I married my husband, some 14 years ago, who is a native of California. Unfortunately, he did not take me to live beside the pacific instead I am right in the middle of Oklahoma and the nearest beach is too far away! It was rather a shock at first living here but I am now used to the extreme heat in the summer, ice storms in the winter and of course tornado season in the early spring. This year we came the closest I ever wish to come to a tornado, actually being able to see the funnel cloud swirling above the sky just in front of our car, after that I told my husband that it really was time to move to another state! We have four boys, ranging in ages from 1 year to 9 years old and they are wonderful. They provide us with a great deal of joy and laughter and are simply a blessing, even during the hard times, when they are all going in different directions. I became an MT because I wanted to spend more time at home with my children and wanted to be the person who they left in the morning and came home to at the end of the day and this is the best profession that I could have picked to allow me that flexibility. I believe that I have the perfect job because it is so interesting and varied each day and I really enjoy sitting tapping away on my keys, it also provides me with something that is "just mine" in what otherwise is a very fast and busy life.
Hope this was not too long and is what you were after! I shall enjoy getting to know you and I am glad to be a part of the Healthscribe team.
Hello! I am Gina Eason Lee. My family and I live in Jackson, Tennessee, a relatively small town in West Tennessee approximately 45 minutes East of Memphis (which is where we do all of our "fun stuff"!). I love movies, books, plays, jazz/blues/classical/rock music, politics, sewing and embroidery, yoga, and working out. We are very active in our Church and enjoy spending time with family and friends. My husband, Greg, is a CPA and has his own office here. Our pride and joy, our little girl, Harper, is 4 years old now, and has this year begun attending Montessori preschool -- which is what brought me to Scribes. I will explain.
Upon graduating from high school in 1987, I went to work for a large regional hospital system as a unit secretary. I thoroughly enjoyed the fast and demanding pace of keeping up with the doctors and nurses on the med/surg floors where I worked -- of course, I was young and had lots of energy then! While attending college, I decided to pursue a medical-related field and fell in love with rehabilitation. In 1994, I graduated from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville (for those of you who follow college football, I was a true Big Orange Volunteer!) with a Masters degree in Speech and Language Pathology. My husband and I had been married in 1991 and were thinking of having children at this point, so we moved back to West Tennessee to be closer to the prospective grandparents! I began working as a contract Speech Pathologist in many different areas from pediatrics to geriatrics. When my daughter was born in 1998, I never even looked back at my office! I think I was born to be a "mommy." But, now that my little girl has begun school, I felt it would be fun to do something to help with the private school, ballet lessons, music lessons, etc. that quickly began popping up! Too, I missed the jargon, which you know is like speaking a second language, and really wanted to use that part of my brain again. I was in a Church class with a friend whose son had just begun school, and she filled me on an her new job as an MT. I thought "Eureka! That's what I want to do." So, four months later I had completed my classes and was working for Scribes in the Fall of 2002! I even get to type the rehabilitation notes that I am so familiar with from so many years in the units. The people at Scribes held my hand and helped me to get through those first 90 days in a way that I could not have imagined an "online" company would. I am very grateful for the people I have met and the opportunity that I have had with this company.
My name is Deborah Lewis. I am 32 years old, was born in California, spent most of my life there, but 5 years ago I picked up and moved to North Texas, and now I would not want to live anywhere else. I am fairly new to medical transcription. I have been working as a medical transcriptionist for a little over year. I came to Scribes in July of last year and am excited about the change to Healthscribe.
I'm Robin, and I've been a transcriptionist for almost 20 years. I did statistical typing right out of high school, which has been very helpful in transcription. I was then a medical secretary, and eventually began medical transcription full time.
My husband and I have two children, Rachel (age 8, almost 9), and Jonathan (age 5). My kids loved the pizza cutter and ice cream scoop. They think any company that's into pizza and ice cream must be the best!
We live by Canadohta Lake, which is about 35 miles south of Erie. We moved here this past winter from the Pittsburgh area, where my husband grew up. I was born in NJ, and lived in the suburbs of Phila., until I moved to Pittsburgh at the end of 1984. (I lived in the DC area for one year somewhere in there, and for about six months in Indiana.) We love the lake, and enjoy walks by it, and at the Erie Nature Preserve, among other places. We also like to camp occasionally.
I live in Washington, PA which is just about 30 minutes south of Pittsburgh, PA. I am married with one child, a son who is 12 years old and who is really into playing LaCross. I've been working as a medical transcriptionist for about 14 years total. In my spare time I love to read (mostly fiction - Stephen King and Dean Koontz are my favorites), and I love to cross stitch. I have two dogs - one is a mixed breed - golden retriever/pointer/shepherd mix who goes by the name of Hyster, (my husband named him), and the other is a Jack Russell terrier - full-blooded. The unusual thing about this Jack Russell is his size. Jack Russells are small dogs to begin with - but Spanky, (named by my son), was the runt of the litter. He is only half the size that a Jack Russell usually is. Sometimes when I am working, he will come over to me and sit up and bark at me because he wants to be held. So I pick him up and he starts sniffing the keys on my keyboard - the end result being letters on my screen! If I would let him he would stay on my lap with no problem, but it's a little difficult typing with a dog on your lap! I really enjoy my work as an MT, but especially working for HealthScribe and being able to do it at home.
Hi, I am Linda McBride. I live in the southwestern PA between Washington, PA and Wheeling, WV. I am married to my childhood friend Bill, we literally grew up together, our parents were best friends; he has known me my entire life! We have an 80-acre farm in Claysville, PA and have horses (3), cows (4), dogs (2 outside, 3 inside), a cat and a bird. My special kids are our inside dogs, the breed is Vizsla, a Hungarian hunting dog, quite an energetic and affectionate dog!!!. Other than typing (who has time for anything else) we don't do much other than taking care of all the animals and the farm. We love to vacation, usually Myrtle Beach (though this year Williamsburg for the parks!) and do a vacation every other winter (Bahamas, Dominican Republic, etcetera), which is why I type so much!!!. We like to go to Wheeling for Nailer's Hockey, a Penguin's EHL affiliate and enjoy the great Wheeling restaurants before the games. When I can I squeeze in some reading, love mysteries and books by Nora Roberts, and I do a little cross stitch when I can keep the dogs off my lap, 60-pound lap dogs!!! One of my favorite nice weather things to do is to take the three dogs on a long walk on the farm.
I am Sharon Mitchell. A Texan by birth, I moved to Oklahoma City in grade school and have become an obsessed OU Sooner fan (much to the chagrin of my Texas relatives)! A University of Oklahoma graduate, I remain true to my alma mater! In my "former life," I was a special education teacher for eight years. I taught reading and language arts to middle schools students with learning disabilities. I loved teaching, but after having my second child I decided that home was where I wanted to be. This along with my love of language led me to my new career in medical transcription. I graduated from The Andrews School of Medical Transcription and got my job with Scribes Online soon afterward. I started with Scribes in June of 2002. On a personal note, I have been married to my wonderful husband Rick for 10 years. We have a eight-year-old daughter, Madison, and a two-year-old son, Zachary. In my spare time (ha!) I enjoy Patricia Cornwell and James Patterson novels, as well as scrapbooking and my newest passion - scuba diving! My husband and I recently got certified to scuba, and we are traveling to Cozumel this summer to celebrate our 10th anniversary.
I live in Collinsville Oklahoma where my husband and I just moved last summer two days before starting my job with Scribes. I am originally from Modesto California, home of AAMT. It is a long story how I got from there to here, but thank goodness I did, as my life has never been better. I feel I am finally at a time in my life that I have longed for. I feel very at peace with my job, new home, five children, seven grandchildren, one parrot, and a Yorkie that I share custody with my daughter. I managed a medical clinic for several years before deciding to do transcription so I could be at home with my husband. He works out of state most of the year and I treasure the moments we have when he is home. I look forward to getting to know you better Denise and I am truly blessed to be working for Healthscribe.
My name is Karen Muntzer-James and I started working for Scribes Online in May of 2002. I am looking forward to the challenges and changes that are to come with this transition to HealthScribe. I am 33 years old and married almost five years now to my husband John, a wonderful man from Houston, Texas. We currently reside in my hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We have no children, unless you were to count our two dogs. Also, we are the proud "parents" of two horses, a turtle, and a few guinea pigs. Outside of work, these "kids" take up most of our time. I attended Hahnemann University in Philadelphia for x-ray technician, and for over a decade I worked as a notary public in the auto industry in Pennsylvania and with Penn DOT. I am very pleased to now be working as an MT and am very satisfied with my work. Every day is definitely a new challenge.
I have been a medical transcriptionist for just over 3 years and enjoy it greatly! It's wonderful to work from home. I chose this profession because I wanted a career that offered a challenge and the opportunity to keep learning, which it definitely meets both of those requirements!!
I'm married to a wonderful guy, Dan. He is retired from the air force. We have a lot in common as far as interests and our pasts, but we are definitely different when it comes to height. He is 6 feet 8 inches tall (aka Bigfoot), and I'm not quite 5 feet 3. It's very handy to have him around the house though!
We're empty nesters now as both of our daughters are away at college and one is married too. Our eldest daughter, Shawna, is studying to become a geologist, and our younger daughter, Casie, is working towards becoming a costume designer for films and stage. She has actually already worked on numerous plays and on two movies as a wardrobe assistant.
Dan and I have chosen to reside in Blaine, Washington (once called Drayton Cove), after living all over the world. Blaine is a border town with Canada and has a huge peace arch at the crossing. Our home faces Drayton Harbor and Orcas Island. It is beautiful here--bald eagles fly past our windows, seals play in the bay below, and we have Mount Baker and the Cascades in the distance.
Finally, but very importantly, we have a 2-year-old grandson, Noah, who is wonderful and super smart!!! Dan and I love to spend time with Noah, the girls, and our son-in-law, Max. We enjoy sightseeing, camping, going to movies, are avid genealogists, and love to watch the orcas in the sound too.