My name is Shelli Adams and I have been a transcriptionist for Scribes Online since September 2001. In July 2001, I completed a transcription course through the Andrews School of Medical Transcription. Prior to pursuing medical transcription as a career, I worked as a secretary at a local hospital for six years, and prior to that I worked five years as a secretary in an engineering department. I live in Spencerville, Ohio, with my husband Brent. We have one daughter, Allison, who will be 4 years old in July. I enjoy spending time with my family and my hobbies include scrapbooking and stamping and I play in a hand bell choir for our church.
I have really been blessed to have the opportunity to work from my home for such a wonderful company. I am excited about the transition to the new HITS system and look forward to training in Virginia.

My name is Denise Allen. I am a 31-year-old medical language specialist now employed by HealthScribe. Before becoming a transcriptionist, I was a business education teacher for grades 9-12. I also ran my own internet-based business for a couple of years. I was trained at the Andrews School of medical transcription. I have been a transcriptionist for about a year and a half and absolutely love the freedom that working from home provides. I have been married for nine years. For our 10-year anniversary next year, we are planning another trip to our honeymoon location in Cozumel, Mexico. We have no human children but we have three four-legged children including a Boxer dog, a Manx cat, and an Arabian horse. We live on a small ranch in East Texas and we simply love it here. My hobbies include traveling, cooking, gardening, and entertaining. My favorite passtime is touring antebellum homes. CARRIE BARNETT
My name is Carrie Barnett, and I am 27 years old. I was born in Stuart, Florida but moved from there when I was only 4 years old. I grew up in Sugar Land, TX with my parents, two sisters, and one brother. I met my husband, Jimmy, in high school, and we were married two years after graduation. We have been married for 6-1/2 years. He is 29 years old and has been a member of the US Air Force since 1997. We were first stationed in Charleston, SC in December 1997. It was a beautiful place to live, but it was difficult to be so far away from family. On October 22, 1998 we had our first child, Travis Glenn Barnett. Becoming a mother really changed my life, and it has been a wonderful experience. We also have a 2-year-old beagle named Chloe.
In June of 2000, my husband was assigned to an extended tour of duty to Osan Air Base, South Korea. It was an unaccompanied tour. Travis and I moved home to stay with my family, and fortunately Jimmy was able to come home for a month in the middle of his tour. It was a difficult year, but we made it through. During that time, I struggled to find a career path for myself. I had gotten through several college courses, but I knew that we couldn't afford for me to finish a four-year degree at that time. I was looking for an occupation that I could do at home, because I had stayed at home with Travis since he was born and had no intention of changing that. I found out about medical transcription through a search engine on the internet. It seemed to be the perfect career for me. I researched various transcription schools and finally decided that The Andrews School was the one for me. It took me longer than I had hoped, but I finished school in April of 2002.
I tested for Scribes Online when I was very close to finishing school. It was the one company I really wanted to work for. I was thrilled to be offered a job with Scribes. It felt so good to finally have accomplished something like this. I started working for Scribes in May of 2002, and I am now an employee at HealthScribe.
We are currently stationed in Abilene, TX at Dyess Air Force Base. We have been here since June of 2001. It is a fairly small town, but we are much closer to family, so I am very happy here. My husband is finishing up his bachelor's degree in professional aeronautics and will start working on his master's degree before he gets out of the Air Force. We had planned on getting out next year, but we have decided to stay in until the job market looks better. He just reenlisted for four more years.
We are expecting our second child the first week of December. We are all very anxious to meet the newest member of our family! I don't have many hobbies, but I do love to read any chance I get. I also enjoy watching movies and just spending time with my family and friends. My son Travis is in pre-kindergarten at a private school here in Abilene and is also playing T-ball and taking swimming lessons. He keeps me very busy!
I am really looking forward to the upcoming training and being able to meet some of my colleagues in person.
Hi! I'm Lori Bauer. I live in Horicon, Wisconsin. I am married with my 10-year anniversary coming up tomorrow! I married my high school sweetheart who I started dating when I was 17. I am 32 years old and have three beautiful girls, ages 8, 5 (almost 6), and 1-1/2. Their names are Brooke, Lindsey, and Jordan. I have only been doing transcription as a job for a year, but love it! I am so glad that we decided that I would work from home after Jordan was born. I seem to have so much more time for my girls now. I have a second job that I do to get me out of the house and in contact with adults. I sell Petra Fashions, which is sleepwear for the family with an exclusive line of lingerie. I have been doing that for two years. It is mainly a hobby with transcription being my "main" job. Either way, I love both my jobs.
I am 37 years old, and I live in Pittsburgh, PA. I've worked for Scribes On-Line since 1998. When I started working there, the MTs were Lynn Kosegi and me. Then a month later, Jackie Pitcock was hired. It was the three of us for awhile. (It's really amazing how the company grew.) I never had any school training to be an MT. I just learned on the job. I worked part-time for years as an MT while working full-time as a billing manager for a hospital. Ironically, I worked with Allison (who used to be a supervisor for Scribes) there for many years. For my formal education, I have a degree in Education. I graduated, student taught, and then had my first child. After that, I wanted to stay home with her. I am married, and have three children: Elena who is 4, Derrick who is 2, and Danielle who is six months. I really have my hands full with them, but they are the joys of my life. I am now (somewhat) considering being a surrogate mother. I have very easy pregnancies and deliveries, and I thought that would be such a wonderful thing to do for someone who can't have a child. I don't have a lot of free time with these three little kids, but I do enjoy going to movies, watching NBA Basketball, hanging out at the pool in the summer, and I love Drum and Bugle Corp. I always find time to see a show every summer. I love my job, and I feel extremely lucky to have the opportunity to work from home, and to be able to raise my children. That is why I went into teaching, but this is even better. TAMIKA CUNNINGHAM
I am married with two "lady bugs," ages 5 and 19 months, Aaliyah and Sydney. We currently reside in the Boston area. My husband is in the Coast Guard, so we are not strangers to a move. After 9 years of marriage, we have lived in Cape May New Jersey by the shore, Kodiak Island Alaska in a log cabin, Virginia, and now Boston. Both my husband and I, grew up in Atlanta and both our families still reside in the area. Speaking of growing up, I have to share that my maiden name is Turnipseed!!! Yes, I often had to verify to folks that I was not kidding about that name. I graduated from the Medical College of Georgia as a physician assistant but after marrying and starting a family decided that I just could not leave them with anyone else. I did some research and found the Andrews School of Medical Transcription and completed the course in 10 months and started working immediately from home in June of 2000. There is not a day that goes by that I do not learn something new. I simply love transcribing and am excited that I get to stay within the medical profession. I strive for excellence and hope to one day be able to transcribe like some veterans 300 lines an hour, hey a girl can dream can't she? For now, I would be satisfied for one hour without interruption to transcribe!!!
I am 34 years old and I live in Helena, Alabama. It is a wonderful small town that is a great place to raise kids, but it is also right near Birmingham. My husband is from California and we moved here seven years ago to be near my parents. We have a 2 1/2 year old boy, who everyone in the family just adores because he is the only child/grandchild right now. Not for long though. I am 5-1/2 months pregnant, expecting another boy. We are very much a stay at home kind of family. I like to do do housework, cook, and be with my boy. We are active in church and church activities also.
I took the Andrews School course because I wanted so much to be at home more for my child, even though I was only working part-time. It was a complete dream come true to come and work for Scribes. This is a wonderful way to work and spend as much time as possible with the family. This kind of work really interests me too. I am even making decent money now, so I am really happy doing this (I have been a MT for about five months now). I know it sounds corny, but I am just happy to be here with you all. I will leave it at that, short and sweet.
(Sung to the tune of Cheer's theme song): Making your way in the MT world takes everything you've got. An easier way to understand ESL's, sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away (to Sterling, VA), and learn the new HITS system and VoiceScribe would go away! All those times you've got timeouts, and Technical Support doesn't know how, We've made it this long --- on a system that's so far gone. Sometimes you want to go Where everybody knows your name (or at least the system you're on); And they're always glad you came (especially not to complain); You want to be where you can see, Our troubles are all the same; You want to be where everybody knows your name . . . . We all certainly have those days when we feel like what we're doing really doesn't matter much, but when we type those reports where it's a life or death matter and the information gets transferred from physician to physician in a timely manner, the fact that they don't know our names is rather a mute point! We do do an important job and some days (okay many days) it seems monotonous, but there are those people who make it special! Those people who do know our names and why we are here -- you, Patty, Lynn, and our other coworkers who have become very important members of our extended family. They know our names and they do care if we come to work and share our knowledge with them and others. I live in Northern Pittsburgh, in Cranberry Township, which is actually in Butler County (right across the Allegheny border). I've been married for 21 years (gosh I feel old!). I have two lovely children, Christopher age 9, and Lizzy age 7, who have brought more joy to those last 9 of the 21 years than we ever could have imagined! I've been an MT since Christopher was 2 weeks old. Talk about rough beginnings. I used to cringe when the phone would ring and it would be the person who I worked for!! But, we got through it and I couldn't be a better MT today if it hadn't been through the hard work that I did at the very beginning. Pets: Colby (coon hound -- yes, we have managed to suburbanize a coon hound -- not an easy task! Add to that he has seizures, and we have a really interesting task on our hands!); 2 cats (blackie and oreo, but blackie looks more like an oreo than oreo does -- but that's what happens when you let your kids name your animals); 2 hamsters (Lizzy finally got her hamster after she had to have surgery last October!) One is tame the other still hisses!; 4 guppies; one snail; and two Paco's. Just in case you don't know what Paco's are they are in the Paranah family and are now 12+ inches long. Hobbies: When I have time (hahahhahaha) -- beading, scrapbooking, and rubber stamping. I'm originally from Richmond, Virginia, but lived one year in Detroit Michigan, five in Houston Texas, and now seven in PA. We love it here! My mom's family is actually from north of here, not that there are many family members left, but it is kind of interesting to be back up where we used to spend our summer vacations as a kid!
I live outside of Bozeman, Montana in a town called Manhattan - no traffic signals or anything like that. Actually, I don't even live in town, but on a farm that my husband (Paul) works on. We raise black angus and hay and corn and wheat and a bunch of other stuff. We also raise kids :o) We have four children, two girls and two boys. Morgan is 14, Nathan 13, Nick 11, and Melissa 9. We also have a cat, Delilah, and our newest adventure is a puppy we got around Easter named Chloe. She is a black lab/cocker spaniel mix - and I think she tires me out more than the kids did!
I am originally from Michigan, but moved out here when I married my husband (who is a local). I love to read - romantic suspense is my favorite, but I will read a lot of different things. Our family is active in our church and a local Bible Study - our faith is a big part of our life. We enjoy occasional camping weekends and just relaxing - when our garden is not in full swing. I also enjoy baking and some cooking. I like to take walks out in the fields, with nobody around except a few cows - and occasionally deer, coyotes, or skunks:0/ I also love to eat out:O) and am probably addicted to Diet Coke.
I have been working as an MT for about 2-1/2 years I guess - my first job was with Scribes after going to Andrews School online. I really love my job - although some days I long for a little more interaction:O) (Some days I am glad I don't have to talk to anyone:O) I am very excited about the training trip - as a trip that the company pays for is cool in itself, and I am looking forward to meeting some "names" I have heard. I also enjoy traveling, but at this point in my life, occasional trips to deliver cows/bulls is the major portion of my getaways. Because Paul is a farmer, large summer vacations don't work too well for us - although I am hoping to fit one in before the kids start getting jobs, leaving the nest. We tend to go for the long weekends as a family - and Paul and I try to have a week away when we can. My dream is a tropical of these years....
My name is Cathy Frank, and I have been doing transcription for 2-1/2 years. Before embarking on a complete career change to medical transcription, I was a high school science teacher looking for a job with much less stress and that would allow me to stay home with my young son. I felt like the black sheep of the family when I told my family of my plans, because everyone in my family is a teacher! After graduating from The Andrews School in July of 2000, I got my first job working out of my home for a local orthopaedic surgeon. In addition, I have worked locally in a pathologist's office (which still gives me flashbacks), for a local internist. I have now forgone all of my local accounts to work full-time for HealthScribe. I work mainly on orthopaedic, neurology, rheumatology, and rehab accounts. Orthopaedics is my true favorite in transcription, and I wouldn't mind at all if I did nothing else! I live in Plains, Kansas, a town of about 1,000 people. I work early in the morning and stay home during the day with my two kids, Caden, 4, and Kenna, 2. My husband, Dustin, is a high school math teacher who is now working on his Masters' in Counseling. When I am not chasing my VERY active children, I enjoy playing volleyball, lifting weights, gardening, raising guppies (lots of them), singing and playing keyboard in the praise band at our church, and entering Frisbee competitions with my dog Maggie.

My name is Katy GhostHorse and I live in Goldendale, WA. I have been an MT for about a year and a half. I graduated from the Andrews School and was employed by Scribes Online and you know the rest of that story! I enjoy this work very much and love the fact that I can work from home. I live on 150 acres of land. The basis of who I am is rooted in the native traditions of the Lakota way and I live by these traditions 24/7. My father is a traditional elder and teaches these traditions that are dated back many thousands of years. My name, GhostHorse, is on the Wounded Knee Monument in South Dakota.
I have two grown children. My son, Anthony, is age 22 and will be completing his duty in the Marines and starting another phase in his life on June 11, 2003. He plans on attending college with his GI money somewhere in the field if graphic design and advertising. My daughter, Gina, is age 20 and employed as an Off Site Manager for Spherion managing office staff at six Microsoft locations. My husband, Jim, who is the love of my life, is employed as a Service Manager for 800 buildings and condo units in Portland, Oregon. We have one horse (soon to get more), two dogs, and two cats.
I believe I have chosen my last career in my life and I am very happy to be employed with HealthScribe.
My name is Beverly Gray. I live in Leechburg, Pennsylvania which is about 35 miles NE of Pittsburgh. I have been married for 7 years (second marriage) with 3 wonderful daughters. Sara who is 15, Haley who is 14 and Cassandra who is 5. I have a dog named Katie, a cat named Spaz (an earned name) and an Angel Fish named Harry. I have other fish and a small ornamental pond with fish in it, but only the Angel Fish has a name. I have been in medicine for 22 years, doing transcription along with other duties. I have been an at home transcriptionist for 6 years and love it. I like to garden, fish, do cross stitch and read forensic medicine mysteries. I will turn 40 in the fall and my oldest will start to drive in August, which should be an interesting few months. My daughters play softball on the Leechburg High School team which is in the WPIAL semi-finals right now. They also play basketball, volleyball and Little League softball. Haley is also playing on an ASA tournament traveling softball team. Cassie plays T-ball and just recently graduated from preschool. They keep us very busy. My husband is also in health care. He is a supervisor for a medical supply company in Monroeville, Pennsylvania. When we are not running with the kids we are working or sleeping. Also, I sang that song "Getting to Know You" in elementary school in a chorus concert, guess that shows my age too!
Hi there. My name is Suzanne Hamilton. I live in Maine, USA. I have been a New Englander all my life. I grew up in northern Vermont, then moved to mid New Hampshire and have finally settled on the coast in Maine. I like to travel occasionally. I have mostly gone to east coast locations (Maryland, Virginia, Florida, etc). I have gone as far west as Wyoming.
I started working at home approximately 12 years ago when my youngest daughter was born. I have no formal MT training but did have a medical background. I have stayed in this work because I love to be home with my children (except maybe summer vacations!) and I feel like I am making a difference in the work I do. I have worked for Scribes (now HealthScribe) for a about a year and a half and love it! The wonderful people in this company keep surprising me more and more every day. I don't believe I have ever worked with such a great group of people.
I do not have any pets right now, but I used to have two dogs, two cats, two ferrets, a guinea pig (Penny Piggy), "Harvey The Wonder Hamster", and four goldfish which my son named all of them Lipstick. I don't have any pets since I moved this last time, but hope to have more some day. I do however have a lot of kids hanging around and have learned to "tune out" the video games, etc. Since I am the mom that is home, I usually have kids flocking here after school. I hope this gives you a little info about me. I cant wait to meet some of the people whose names I already know!
My name is Margaret Heber, but I have been called Peg since childhood. I began my career as a radiologic technologist back in the days when, if you could type, you not only took x-rays you also did transcription. In those days I used an IBM Selectric typewriter, Dictaphone, and used carbon paper, we didn't even have a copy machine! I worked in radiology for many years in southern California and went back to school part-time, eventually getting my degree in English with the idea of becoming a teacher. After one semester of student teaching in East Los Angeles, I went back to medicine. Several years later when my mother became ill, I returned to my roots (Nebraska) and worked in several specialty clinics as a secretary. In all my jobs I had done transcription and always enjoyed it, so when a transcriptionist position opened up at the local hospital, I jumped at it and honed my skills. I started with Scribes Online several years ago and I enjoy the convenience and flexibility of working at home, plus not having to commute. The weather can get nasty in Nebraska! I love the diversity and challenge of the work itself; I learn something new every day.
I live in North Bend, Nebraska, a small farming community in eastern Nebraska. I am divorced with no children, but have a dog (Little-Bit) and a cat (Lulu) who are, according to my family, spoiled rotten. I also dote on my nieces and nephews who live in Lincoln, Nebraska. They are all teenagers now and love to come stay at Aunt Peg's. I have an older home and a never-ending project of fixing it up. When I'm not working on the house, my hobbies include painting (pictures not walls!), playing the piano, gardening, reading and cooking. I am looking forward to being part of the Healthscribe team and especially the Phlying Phalanges!
Getting to know you.......getting to feel free and easy....oh great! Now it's in my head too. Okay, a little about me. My name is Jennifer Hicks. I'm 34 and have been married for 10 years next month. We have 2 beautiful daughters ages 10 and 5 and we live in Puyallup, Washington. I've lived in Washington all my life and absolutely love it here. You've got the mountains, the ocean, pretty much a little bit of everything. I've been an MT now for 7 months and I'm loving it. It works out great for me and my family. I think what has made it so wonderful too is the company I work for. (A little shmoozing here.) It's true though. I have heard people with nothing but complaints about their company and I feel so lucky to be part of this one. I'm really looking forward to progressing in my career and seeing where it takes me. In the meantime, I'm enjoying my job and family. I love to read so when I can work it in I do. I'll read just about anything but I really love crime novels, anything with a mystery. I'm an amputee and I'm currently taking part in a study for a new type of computerized prosthesis. I kind of feel like the bionic woman. Hee! Hee! Actually, I think it's really neat to be able to help in the study for providing amputees with better products to help them function better. Well, that's about me in a nutshell. ;)
My name is Nancy Holmes. I live in wild, wonderful WV about 10 miles from the border of VA. I am married to a wonderful man, and we'll celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary in July. We have two sons, Jonathan 21 and James 15 (who can't wait to take his driver's test). I've been an MT for 2-1/2 years, starting with Scribes as soon as I finished my MT course with Andrews. On the weekends I enjoy the outdoors such as hiking the trails in the national forests and state parks with my husband. Some other activities I enjoy are reading, growing flowers, and spending time with my sister to do the "girl" things such as shopping!
My name is Patti Howard, and I have been a working MT with Scribes Online since November of 2002. I grew up on Long Island, NY, and I went to college at Columbia University in New York City. After college I found myself down here in Gardendale, a suburb of Birmingham, AL. I have been married to my husband Daniel for about 6-1/2 years, and we have a wonderful 3-year-old son named Isaac. We also have 3 large dogs, 3 crazy cats, and 2 fish tanks! It was very important to me to be able to be home with our son, but our family also needed another income. That's when I decided to take the Andrews School MT course, and immediately after finishing that I started working at Scribes. I have been nothing but happy with my choice to start MT as a career! When I'm not working, I enjoy playing with my son, reading, and playing computer games with my husband.